Auggie & me : three wonder stories



副標題 :

作者 : R.J.Palacio

分類 :

關鍵字 : Fiction

葉昢瑤 2023-11-10

This book kind of made me sob a bit. It’s actually pretty sad but some parts of it is funny. I would really recommend this book to all of you.
The main characters in this book are Jack, Julian, Summer, Olivia and August. So this book is mostly about Auguat’s life because he has a really hard time as he had lots of surguries on his face. He moved to a new school and everyone just started bullying at him because of his look. He had no friends at the beginning, but then when he just started go to a new school, the principal introduced him a bunch of people that were in his class. Some of them were nice, some of them weren’t. Summer and August became est friends after they met each other.
There were some people bullied August and he got tired of that. And he just tried making himself look cool by wearing those “popular boy thingies”. But this actually didn’t work, it only made people tease him even more. Afterwards, August realized that kindness is the key so he started to be kind and brave.
To be honest, this story is a moral. It tells us always be kind to the others as well as I have learnt a lot from this book.

Auggie & me : three wonder stories

ACNO E08657
索書號 F PAL
複本總數 2
館藏位置 Library
借閱分類 Book
ISBN 9780552574778
出版商 Corgi Books
出版年份 2014
警告 No Alert Message
小說 N
語言 英文
面(頁)數 380p
未選擇任何檔案 選擇檔案
支援上載大小: 10mb | 檔案類型
標題:  Youtube: 



Auggie & me : three wonder stories

This book kind of made me sob a bit. It’s actually pretty sad but some parts of it is funny. I would really recommend this book to all of you.
The main characters in this book are Jack, Julian, Summer, Olivia and August. So this book is mostly about Auguat’s life because he has a really hard time as he had lots of surguries on his face. He moved to a new school and everyone just started bullying at him because of his look. He had no friends at the beginning, but then when he just started go to a new school, the principal introduced him a bunch of people that were in his class. Some of them were nice, some of them weren’t. Summer and August became est friends after they met each other.
There were some people bullied August and he got tired of that. And he just tried making himself look cool by wearing those “popular boy thingies”. But this actually didn’t work, it only made people tease him even more. Afterwards, August realized that kindness is the key so he started to be kind and brave.
To be honest, this story is a moral. It tells us always be kind to the others as well as I have learnt a lot from this book.
葉昢瑤 2023-11-10





ACNO E08657(C.1)
索書號 F PAL
館藏位置 Library
借閱分類 Book
ISBN 9780552574778
出版商 Corgi Books
出版年份 2014

關鍵字 (1)



    ACNO E08816 (C.2)
    館藏位置 Library
    狀態 可借閱書
    索書號 F